

Lorenzo "Thorrwulf" Zaccagnini

Smart contract auditor and cryptography nerd, follow me on my Twitch channel Thorrwulf. It's possible to contact me on Telegram at @Thorrwulf (opens in a new tab).

I built my first p2p client and hub at 14y in C++, now I prefer Rust. The long part…

As a senior blockchain developer with expertise in Rust and full stack JavaScript, I have a strong foundation in both back-end and front-end technologies. With several years of experience in the industry, I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, scalable solutions to complex problems. I am particularly skilled at identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in smart contracts and web applications, ensuring that they are secure and reliable for use in production environments. My analysis and expertise on blockchain technology and cybersecurity have been featured in national and international media and press. In my free time, I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the tech industry and contributing to open source projects.

I'm the co-founder of Devoleum (opens in a new tab), a web app that uses blockchains and linked open data to make supply chain data open and traceable, our project is internationally awarded by Forbes USA and many others. In 2016 I have won a national hackathon with "Dammi la mano" an end-to-end cryptography geolocation app. I have a Psychology MSc. I'm a privacy and diversity activist.


October 2021 - HP Anche Hitler col Green Pass dopo un attacco hacker. Ma già non funziona più (L. Bianchi)

https://www.huffingtonpost.it/entry/green-pass-attacco-hacker-sottrae-le-chiavi-per-generarlo-ma-lallarme-dura-poco_it_61792986e4b079111a5eb6a5 (opens in a new tab)

April 2021 - Exchange, hacker e annunci di nuove tasse: dilaga il panico nel mondo delle criptovalute (N. Borzi)

https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edicola/articoli/2021/04/26/exchange-attacchi-hacker-e-annunci-di-nuove-tasse-un-tremito-scuote-il-mondo-delle-criptovalute (opens in a new tab)

May 2021 - Blockchain Technology and Sustainable Business Models:

A Case Study of Devoleum - published paper
https://doi.org/10.3390/su13105619 (opens in a new tab)

April 2020 - FQ Article about Italian contact tracing app issues (N. Borzi)

Italian contact tracing app privacy and cybersecurity issues
https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edicola/articoli/2020/04/23/ombre-e-problemi-della-app-con-cui-vogliono-tracciarci/5779330/ (opens in a new tab)

April 2020 - Healthcare data economy (N. Borzi)

Article about the privacy issues in the healthcare data trading sector
https://valori.it/emergenza-sanitaria-apre-data-economy/ (opens in a new tab)

November 2019 - Strategy Innovation Forum

Selected as a speaker for the Blockchain and AI supply chain sector, at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari
https://www.unive.it/pag/34335/ (opens in a new tab)

April 2019 - Italian Chamber of Deputies

Invited as a Speaker about "Managing big streams of Data using Blockchain and AI"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOobvSzjPxE (opens in a new tab)

September 2018 - 60 Women-Led Startups That Are Shaking Up Tech Across The Globe

Devoleum is mentioned in the Forbes top 60 startups worldwide
https://www.forbes.com/sites/allysonkapin/2018/09/19/60-women-led-startups-who-are-shaking-up-tech-across-the-globe/#1bf7fa4075da (opens in a new tab)

February 2018 - Scholarship winner | Google Developer Challenge, Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree by Google e Udacity

Selected by Google and Udacity for my coding skills among more than 200,000 candidate developers.
https://www.udacity.com/course/mobile-web-specialist-nanodegree--nd024 (opens in a new tab)

December 2017 - Press about Devoleum, Il Messaggero newspaper, excellence of the Universities of Rome

"Con la startup dei due giovani (riconosciuta anche a Parigi), invece, anche i piccoli produttori potranno certificare in maniera chiara ed onesta i loro prodotti" Camilla Mozzetti

December 2017 - Press | RTL interview about Devoleum

Interview with Fulvio Giuliani.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77fMsOpNMm4 (opens in a new tab)

November 2017 - Press L'Usine Nouvelle about Devoleum

"des expertes en technologie, telle la développeuse Élisa Romondia, qui a cofondé Devoleum, une marketplace italienne utilisant la blockchain pour certifier et commercialiser des huiles d’olive produites localement." Marion Garreau
https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/les-reseaux-se-mobilisent-pour-promouvoir-les-femmes-dans-le-numerique-pour-quel-resultat.N619018 (opens in a new tab)

October 2017 - Press Business Insider about Devoleum

"Devoleum (Italie), cofondé par Elisa Romondia — Marketplace utilisant la Blockchain afin de certifier et de commercialiser des huiles d’olives produites localement" Marie-Catherine Beuth

October 2017 - Press Forbes about Devoleum

"utiliser la Blockchain pour certifier et commercialiser les huiles d’olives produites localement." Audrey Chabal
https://www.forbes.fr/femmes-at-forbes/starther-awards-la-start-up-medtech-novagray-remporte-le-concours/?lipi=urn%253Ali%253Apage%253Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_treasury%253BrIEP4cANTgWZ0zZMyCAGdw%253D%253D (opens in a new tab)

October 2017 - Press Le Figaro about Devoleum

"Cette technologie très sophistiquée est également au cœur du projet d'Elisa Romondia, développe use de Devoleum, afin de certifier l'origine des huiles d'olive de son Italie natale" Elisa Braun

October 2017 - Devoleum presented at the Station F

Devoleum has been selected from hundreds of European projects to take part in the 2017 StartHer Awards, held at Station F in Paris, the world's largest Campus startup, home to Google and Facebook. The event was attended by an international jury, the French tech scene and the French government ministers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCjEvEGdjL0 (opens in a new tab)

October 2017 - Devoleum presented Station F of Paris, selected for the StartHer Awards 2017

Devoleum was in the 10 selected among hundreds of European projects, to be presented at the Station F of Paris for the StartHer Awards 2017
https://www.facebook.com/MeetStartHer/videos/vb.303376065588/10155599438350589/ (opens in a new tab)? type=2&theater

July 2017 - Press Wired about women in tech

"Non solo Silicon Valley, le donne del tech sono discriminate anche in Italia. Startuppare e imprenditrici italiane e londinesi raccontano le loro esperienze discriminatorie simili a quelle sotto accusa in Usa." Alessia Camera
https://www.wired.it/attualita/tech/2017/07/05/silicon-valley-donne-italia/ (opens in a new tab)

June 2016 - Press Startup Italia about Dammi la mano

"Il premio Tim, che darà l’accesso al programma di accelerazione TIM #Wcap per 12 settimane, prevede lezioni e moduli di lab e di mentorship, più un confronto one to one tra professionista e startup " Stefania Leo

June 2016 - Press Gazzetta del mezzogiorno italian newspaper about Dammi la Mano

"Progetti Innovativi innovativi al servizio del nostro futuro"

June 2016 - Press Il Sole 24 Ore italian newspaper about Dammi la Mano

"A “Dammi la mano” è andato il premio Tim che permette la partecipazione al programma di accelerazione TIM #Wcap con un percorso della durata di 12 settimane che prevede lezioni e moduli di lab e di mentorship e un confronto one to one tra professionista e startup." Andrea Biondi

June 2016 - Press ANSA about Dammi la Mano

"A Dammi la mano, il progetto che consente di accompagnare ed essere accompagnati dai propri cari in tempo reale su Google Maps tramite l'uso del proprio smartphone, va il Premio Tim che dà l'accesso al programma di accelerazione TIM #Wcap"

June 2016 - TIM #Wcap Prize at Digithon 2016

With our project "Dammi la mano" we won the Tim #Wcap Prize at Digithon 2016, we have been chosen from thousands of projects. Digithon 2016 was the first Hackathon in Italy, after our victory we received a lot of media coverage in national tv news, newspapers and online blogs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfi4RUrIdcE (opens in a new tab)

March 2013 - Winner of an overseas scholarship

During my Master Degree in Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome, I won an overseas scholarship (3 months) for York University in Toronto, Canada, with my project on early autism diagnosis.

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